High5 EnergyGel and EnergyGel+ Review
By Dave Roberts
on November 30, 2012 No ratings yet.
Posted in Fitness and Nutrition, Outdoor Gear Reviews
High5 EnergyGel and EnergyGel+ Review
These running gels from High5 provide an impressive 92 calories in their slight 38g frame, and are available in a wide selection of flavours. The regular EnergyGel has the choice of Juicy Orange, Apple, Banana, Citrus Burst and Summer Fruits, while the EnergyGel+ has only Raspberry and Orange.
The orange EnergyGel+ with caffeine has a bitter after taste, which I put down to the caffeine. It’s not particularly unpleasant, and strangely familiar, but I couldn’t initially put my finger on it. The regular orange gel also has this strange aftertaste and only after the third or fourth tube did I realise that the orange one tastes a bit like sherry.
The Summer Fruits gel however, is like squeezing melted jelly babies into your mouth, which would definitely be our first choice of flavour in the future. This one is the cheapest gel, and packs in an impressive 92 calories into its 38g, but the strange after taste may or may not go down well. Rating 3.5/5
See how they fared against other running gels – here.
Dave Roberts
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