Coed y Brenin Trail Runs – Half Marathon Waymarked Trail
Route Essentials
Route Summary
See the end of the article for local information about parking, public transport facilities, pubs and cafes.
21.67 kmAscent
757 mTime
Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.
Start Location
Weather Forecast:
Met Office Snowdonia Mountain Weather
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Remember that we cannot outline every single hazard on a walk – it’s up to you to be safe and competent. Read up on Mountain Safety , Navigation and what equipment you’ll need.
Coed y Brenin Trail Runs – Half Marathon Waymarked Trail Ordnance Survey Map and GPX File Download
Coed y Brenin Trail Runs – Half Marathon Waymarked Trail
Coed y Brenin in Snowdonia is best known for its excellent mountain biking facilities, but has hosted the popular Trail Marathon Wales for the last few years. With this trail, you can follow the half-marathon route from the Visitor Centre across the Mawddach, Afon Wen and a sadistic and punishing climb to end! All that along a mix of forestry tracks, paths and a few minor roads.
Just what you need from a trail run.
This mid-length 14km trail run from the Visitor Centre in Snowdonia has plenty of ascent and interest as it climbs and descends between valleys, waterfalls and mine workings. Follow the GR waymarks as noted at the link below.
GPX File for illustrative purposes.
For more information, and up to date information on any closures click here – Half Marathon to download the guide from the Run Coed y Brenin website.
Photo credit: souho / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Local Information and Recommended Maps and Guidebooks
Route Summary:
Route Start Location:
Distance |
Ascent |
Time |
21.67 km | 757 m |
Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.
Activivity Type:
Summits and Places on this Route
none noted
Remember that we cannot outline every single hazard on a walk – it’s up to you to be safe and competent. Read up on Mountain Safety , Navigation and what equipment you’ll need.
Parking :
Public Transport:
Weather Forecast:
Met Office Snowdonia Mountain Weather
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Dave Roberts
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