Some Major Site Updates
By Dave Roberts
on October 11, 2012 No ratings yet.
Posted in Blog, NewsSite Updates, The Outdoor Geek - Outdoor Tech
Some Major Site Updates
You may, or may not, have noticed some major changes around here over the last few weeks. We’ve kept them discreet, and in line with the rest of the site and maybe not as obvious as we’d like so here’s a heads up.
1 – We now have a snazzy route search, as we found that we had far too many routes on the site to be searched by the old method.
2 – Due to the increase in traffic, we’ve had to move the site to bigger and better servers. Over in California! We sincerely hope that as the Mud and Routes server basks in the sweltering heat that it may just pass on some positive karma to us over in sodden Blighty.
3 -We’re carbon neutral! Well, the site is at least. It’s hosted on ‘green’ servers and all my uploading is done via Green ISP. We use a car for some of these routes, but often use a bus. As I don’t own a car, or fly, I think that I’m allowed that little indulgence and certainly won’t be turning the site into any sort of smug green gimmick. We just are. End Of.
4 – And talking about green, that’s about the colour we turn when we think about Internet Explorer. The Coding Bwbachods are hard at work trying to solve some ‘issues’ with the site and that browser, but you’ve got to ask yourself why EVERY other single browser works with the site when IE doesn’t. Yes, we don’t like it. We think it should be consigned to the same section of hell as reserved for those who park in disabled spots and let their dogs crap exactly where I intend to run (of course, that obviously excludes the disabled, who are fine to park in disabled spots). Anyway, they’re on the case, and any issues should be sorted in the next week or two. But we shan’t be responsible for the moods of the angry bwbach after all that, oh no.
5 – The site is now Geo Enabled. You can add your location on your member page and the site will show routes and locations that are in your area. In future, you’ll be able to find friends and groups that are nearby as well. We’ll soon be adding this feature for all users, showing routes and businesses that are near any route that you’re currently viewing.
We’d also like to say that there’s a siberian wind coming this winter and that it’ll be -18C by December. Yes, we are now aware that we’ve ruined the Mail/Express/anyothercrappaper’s main weather story for the winter, when they wheel out alleged experts on the weather in order to make some outlandish claim that never turns out to be right, but often includes something about Princess Diana, Illegal Immigrants and how they allegedly cause you cancer.
Dave Roberts
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